Loan Market Scenic, Your local broker for Tamborine

Servicing customers in Logan Village, Yarrabilba, Tamborine Mountain and surrounds. 


Samantha Barnett

Senior Finance Specialist

I bring over 20 years’ experience in the finance industry, including working at major banks. My experience and access to over 60 lenders means I can find the right finance solution for my customers’ unique needs and support them every step of the way. From first-home buyers looking to take their first step into home ownership to seasoned investors growing their portfolio, I enjoy finding innovative solutions and strategies to help you achieve your financial goals today, tomorrow and into your future. Outside of work my hands are full with my six children. I love spending time with my family and friends, but also don’t mind escaping the busy household to return to nature with a bush walk (taking advantage of the beautiful Tamborine region I live in) or beach trip. You can also find me cooking up a storm in the kitchen, although admittedly, Masterchef does not look likely for my future… Ready to get started toward your homeownership goals? Let’s chat.

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