Meet your mortgage broker in South Brisbane

We’re ready to help you achieve your financial goals.

Arj Bhardwaj
MBA, Managing Director
0460 309 323

Your local Broker servicing Brisbane and Surrounding Areas. We will be with you for the long haul, becoming your trusted advisor. It is not enough to just get the lowest rate, we will work with you to ensure that all your financing needs are optimised to your circumstances.

661 Sherwood Road, Sherwood QLD, 4075, Australia
0460 309 323


About Us

As a specialist mortgage broker with finance and banking pedigree serving South Brisbane and Greater Ipswich, the memorable moments in my career are those where I have really helped make a difference to people’s lives. 

As a result, providing long-lasting and meaningful finance solutions has become the foundation of my service offering.

This is delivered through deeply understanding your current situation and future goals, educating you around various finance solutions available from a pool of over 60 lenders, and integrating complementary financial offerings.

Tailored, goal-focused solutions:

When you come to me for a loan, the first thing I want to understand is why. Whether you are purchasing your first home or third investment property, I spend time understanding what you are trying to achieve, both now and in the future.

This helps deliver tailored solutions specific to your unique circumstances and future plans, as well as match you to the lender or lenders who will be best suited.

Spending more time in this discovery phase is a foundation of my service offering. Any broker can help you get a loan with a competitive rate and repayment, however there could be significant future cost of using the wrong finance structure.

Education Focused:

Critical to these goal-focused solutions is educating you around the reasons and methodology behind my recommendations. 

Whether you are a first home-buyer looking to understand stamp duty, lenders mortgage insurance (LMI), or the various fees associated with buying a home, or a seasoned investor wanting to know the impact of cross-collateralising your loans, I will help you see things clearly.

Integrated financial offerings:

When assisting you with your financial solutions, I generally recommend we factor strategies put in place by other advisers such as your accountant, financial planner, bookkeeper or business consultant, to help deliver complementary, long-term solutions that maximise value and minimise risk.

With my extensive experience in senior banking, business finance and credit roles, combined with an MBA and time as a company director, I am an advocate of integrated finance solutions working towards common goals.  

For those who also require the support of other specialist advisers, I have a strong network who I personally recommend. For clarity, I do not receive referral fees from these trusted partners. All recommendations are based on the quality of their work. 

This is part of my dedication to being your trusted adviser and delivering integrated future-focused financial solutions. 

Experience Counts:

In the finance game, experience counts. Having spent time in a variety of senior banking roles, and with an MBA and experience as a business director, I hold far deeper knowledge than most brokers.

That knowledge could be the difference between you securing the loan you need, and missing out, due to the way we present income, assets and liabilities in your application. Or it may simply help you secure finance faster by knowing the various lender policies and risk appetites, or having contacts at the bank.

Finance Specialties:

  • Residential property loans
  • Commercial property loans
  • Business loans
  • Asset finance (cars, boats, machinery etc)
  • First home-buyer education
  • Investment property finance strategies
  • Debt restructuring
  • Complex finance structures
  • SMSF finance
  • Expat lending 

Accreditation and Qualifications:

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking

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