Securely send your statements to Daniel Pym
at Loan Market Double Bay

This service is independently designed and vetted by world-class
security experts to ensure the highest levels of data protection and security.

Keeping your information safe is our highest priority

  • All data sent to our server is encrypted with 256-bit encryption and secured by 2048-bit keys.
  • Your login credentials are never stored. They are securely discarded once they have been encrypted and passed to the bank.
  • The service is a one-time retrieval – it only happens with your authorisation.
  • Secure data transmission via PGP encryption.

Privacy is at the core of our service

  • This service is Australian owned and developed technology, owned by one of Australia's biggest credit reporting agencies.
  • Adherence to Australian privacy principles and laws is at the core of our service.
  • All servers are located in secure Australian data centres.
  • Your personal details are never shared with or sold to third parties.